Seasonality Performance

Using seasonal performance within the biomaterials to initiate ideas around co-designing with nature and its seasons, moves away from universal design practises, and applies concepts that orientate around a community’s local materials with traditional making techniques. 

Could the time of year resources are harvested for biomaterials create seasonality performance in regard to the ,malleability, conductivity and strength of the material?


Seasonal wheel.jpg

Mindful Touch

This touchpad enjoys resting but also enjoys user interaction. It can withstand long hours of use, however there is still a limit. If the user has been continuously at work with no breaks, the touchpad becomes unsettled and in need of a break, sending a reminder to the user when the limit has been breached.  

 This object creates a gentle reminder to be more mindful of the objects and space around you, and how you interact with them, without taking advantage. The care relationship is reciprocal, with the touchpads need for a break reflecting the needs of the user. 
